Apr-23-2024 0 Comments

crab twist toe touch

img Exercises

The crab twist toe touch is a dynamic core exercise that targets multiple muscle groups.

Starting Position

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind you with your fingers pointing towards your body.

Technical Execution

Lift your hips off the ground and twist your body to touch your right hand to your left foot. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Range of Motion

Ensure a full range of motion by twisting as far as you can to touch your foot while keeping your hips lifted.


To make it more challenging, you can add a weight or resistance band for extra resistance.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes include improper alignment, lack of core engagement, and rushing through the movement.

Practical Advice

Focus on controlled movements and engage your core throughout the exercise for maximum benefit.

Additional Notes

This exercise can help improve core stability and strengthen the muscles of the abdominals and obliques.

Difficulty Level


Equipment Needed

Body Weight

Primary Muscles


Secondary Muscles


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