Apr-23-2024 0 Comments

scissor jumps (male)

img Exercises

Scissor jumps are a dynamic plyometric exercise that targets the lower body and cardiovascular system.

Starting Position

Start standing with feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides.

Technical Execution

Jump up explosively, crossing your right leg in front of your left and arms overhead. Land softly and immediately jump again, switching legs in mid-air.

Range of Motion

Ensure a full range of motion by jumping as high as you can with each repetition.


To make it more challenging, you can add a jump squat at the end of each scissor jump.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes include landing too hard, not engaging the core, and allowing the knees to collapse inward.

Practical Advice

Focus on landing softly, engaging your core muscles, and maintaining proper form throughout the exercise.

Additional Notes

It is important to warm up properly before performing scissor jumps to prevent injury.

Difficulty Level


Equipment Needed

Body Weight

Primary Muscles


Secondary Muscles


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